Biblioteca Eduardo Cote Lemus

Applicd entomology : an introductory textbook of insedts in their relations to man

Fernald, H.T.

Applicd entomology : an introductory textbook of insedts in their relations to man - New york: McGraw-hill book company, 1942. - 400 páginas. Ilustraciones+gráficas. 15.5x23cm.


1. Insects and other animals -- 2. The insect: its external structure -- 3. The insect: its inetrnal structure -- 4. The development of insects -- 5. Economic importance of insects: natural control -- 6. Artificial control -- 7. Insecticides: stomach poisons -- 7. Contact insecticides: Spray combinations -- 8. Insect fumigants -- 9. The relationships of insects -- 10. Subclass apterigota: Orbers postura: Thisanura: Collembola .. 12. Subclass pterygota: Order ephemerida -- 13. Order odonata -- 14. Order isoptera -- 15. Order orthoptera -- 16. Order dermaptera -- 17. Order Plecoptera -- 18. Order embiidina -- 19. Order corrodentia: Order zoraptera -- 20. Order mallophaga -- 21. Order thysanoptera -- 22. Order anoplura -- 23. Order hemiptera -- 24. Order homoptera -- 25. Order coleoptera -- 26. Order strepsiptera -- 27. Order neuptera -- 28. Order trichoptera -- 29. Order lepidoptera -- 30. Order mecoptera -- 31. Order diptera -- 32. Order siphonaptera -- 33. Orden Hymenoptera -- 34. Animals Other than insects.


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